National Recycling Week

Your actions make a difference

This National Recycling Week, we’re celebrating the success of container deposit schemes in helping recover even more resources through recycling whilst reducing litter in our environment.

We also have a suite of resources that will help you make a difference in your recycling efforts. It's all about quality over quantity, it is not about recycling more, but recycling better.

You can make a difference!

Simply5 It!

If you're ever confused at the recycling bin, this is the perfect resource for you.

What's in the bin?

Still confused about recycling? Here are a few golden rules everyone should know.

#waroncontamination - Bin rules

Follow these simple rules to keep contamination out of your bin and ensure your recyclables get recycled.

Download our resources

Print out our handy Keep Sheets with bin day reminders and disposal information for tricky items you may encounter. We've also got a handy waste audit guide for businesses looking to increase their landfill diversion and a special Recycling Activity pack for schools and kids. Finally download our social tile set so you can help amplify the message on your social media channels.


Download our ebooks to learn more about how you can practice recycling right.

Eco Kids can!


Our activity sheets are perfect for families,  schools and anyone looking for fun and educational puzzles. Discover how you can improve your recycling today!

Recycling Colouring

Eco Champs Can

Toy Waste Truck

Recycling Colouring

Eco Champs Can

Toy Waste Truck