Responsible Business

The way we do a business directly impacts the environment and communities we live and work in. This is how we start to make a sustainable future possible together for all Australians. 

This page pulls together our programs around modern slavery, sustainability, social procurement and the latest updates relating to these areas. Use the buttons to jump to the section you're most interested in.


Our mission is to make a sustainable future possible together. We are committed to upholding global standards of sustainability for our employees, the community, the environment and economic stakeholders. This drives sustainability efforts across all levels of our business, including:

Sustainability Report

Our Sustainability Report marks our journey towards a sustainable future through long-term value creation for our stakeholders, customers and communities.

Environmental management

We conduct our business in accordance with our environmental system, continuously improving and increasing our environmental standards to benefit the environment and communities.

Community and education

Our waste education teams work tirelessly with their local communities and beyond to encourage sustainability and proper bin usage.

Modern slavery

What is slavery?

Refers to situations of serious exploitation, where coercion, threats or deception are used to exploit and deprive victims (such as human trafficking, slavery, and forced labour)

What is modern slavery risk?

This refers to the prospect of a practice involving modern slavery occurring in a business operations and/or supply chain

Our guiding principles

We support the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Bill on Human Rights, the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the principles concerning fundamental rights set out in the International Labour Organisation’s Declaration on the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. These principles guide our approach to human rights. The expectations we hold within our business, and those we work with, are outlined in our Human Rights Policy, Corporate Code of Conduct, and our Supplier Code of Conduct. Our commitment to responsible corporate governance and conducting business in an honest, transparent and ethical manner is also underpinned by the following policies: Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy Whistleblower Policy Diversity and Inclusion Policy Statement

Modern Slavery Statement

Cleanaway opposes all forms of slavery in our operations and the operations of our suppliers. Our Modern Slavery Statement addresses the requirements of Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth). This statement outlines the actions we have taken to assess and address modern slavery risks in our business and supply chain.

Previous Modern Slavery Statements

Modern Slavery Statement FY23
Modern Slavery Statement FY22
Modern Slavery Statement FY21
Modern Slavery Statement FY20

For enquiries relating to modern slavery, please email at .

* Currently being processed by the Attorney General’s Department

Social procurement

In FY22 we

Spent over $3.5 million with Australian social enterprises providing employment opportunities for disabled Australians, social impactful recycling and reuse programs, and other strategic partners

Spent over $9.5 million with Indigenous-owned organisations and social enterprises and created a directory of ATSI-owned businesses for local branches to encourage high utilisation of their services

Created an environment that encourages opportunities for ATSI businesses and employees, and outline actions to ensure Cleanaway's service delivery is culturally sensitive and effective

Ethical supply chains

We recognise that we have the ability to influence change through our supply chain and engage in the opportunity to work collaboratively with our suppliers to address various social, environmental, and ethical impacts. We set out our intended procurement framework in our Social Procurement Statement. As a condition of doing business with us, our suppliers must:

  • comply with all contractual conditions, policies and procedures, including our Supplier Code of Conduct and Human Rights Policy
  • meet all country-specific legislative requirements required to operate their respective businesses
  • meet our safety, sustainability and capability requirements.

Social procurement in action

Latest updates

Sustainability isn't a buzzword; it's a calling. It informs  how we participate in the communities and environment we live and work in.

Cleanaway welcomes appointment of TOMRA Cleanaway as Network Operator for Recycle Rewards

TOMRA Cleanaway has been appointed the Network Operator for ‘Recycle Rewards’, Tasmania’s Container Refund Scheme (CRS).

Another old tip turned into parkland in Kingston

Victory Road Reserve is a former 30-hectare landfill site that has been rehabilitated into parkland
through a partnership between council and Cleanaway.

FY24 Financial Results

HVO100 at Cleanaway is lowering emissions and keeping engines clean

HVO100 demonstration update on emissions and fuel filter performance August 2024

Cleanaway awarded Canstar Blue’s ‘Most Satisfied Customers’ award

Cleanaway is proud to be awarded Canstar Blue’s ‘Most Satisfied Customers’ award in the Small Business Waste Management category.

What’s motivating us to recycle?

Our data reveals two main themes driving us to recycle.