Corporate Governance

Corporate governance

Cleanaway believes that high standards of corporate governance play a vitally important role in achieving our business objective of making a sustainable future possible and, in turn, create and protect our shareholders’ interests through effective oversight, risk management and transparency.

With this in mind, Cleanaway’s Board of Directors has adopted a range of charters and policies that meet these internal requirements and are consistent with the ASX Corporate Governance Council’s Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations – 4th Edition. Our key corporate governance documents can be found at the following links:

Our Board Charter defines the constitution, composition and responsibilities of our Board of Directors. Our Audit and Risk Committee Charter ensures the integrity of the Group’s financial reporting and risk management framework. Our Human Resources Committee Charter sets out the governance rules that affect remuneration and incentives, recruitment, retention and succession plans for the board and executive management team, plus our corporate culture and diversity strategy. Our Sustainability Committee Charter defines the Board’s oversight on compliance, legal and regulatory obligations with respect to Cleanaway’s strategies, systems, policies and practices in relation to workplace health, safety and environmental matters, as well as Cleanaway’s sustainability goals, activities, initiatives and disclosures.

Cleanaway Corporate Governance Statement

Cleanaway Modern Slavery Statement

* Currently being processed by the Attorney General’s Department