Vik Bansal congratulates WA’s Container Deposit Scheme

Cleanaway welcomes the official commencement of the Western Australian Container Deposit Scheme

Industry Updates

October 1, 2020

Tags: CWY

Cleanaway welcomes the official commencement of the Western Australian Container Deposit Scheme (CDS) and acknowledges the hard work to get the scheme up and running in challenging circumstances.

“I congratulate the McGowan Government for the introduction of the CDS and the huge effort in getting the scheme up and running during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a step in the right direction towards achieving a circular economy,” said Cleanaway’s CEO and Managing Director Vik Bansal.

“At Cleanaway we have seen firsthand the environmental, economic and social benefits of a container return scheme. A system that encourages consumers to separate recycling at the point of disposal improves the quality of the recyclable material, which makes it an even more valuable commodity for reuse.”

“I thank Minister Dawson for his commitment to the roll out of the scheme and look forward to working closely with the McGowan Government towards achieving Our Mission of ‘Making a sustainable future possible’.” said Mr Bansal.

For further information please contact:

Mark Biddulph
Head of Corporate Affairs
Telephone: +61 499 332 601

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