Pilot program supporting people living with a disability

Cleanaway’s pilot program with Connecting2Australia (C2A) provides people living with a disability an opportunity to be a part of the waste industry

Communities - Partnerships

March 30, 2023

Tags: partnerships

Cleanaway has embarked on a pilot program with social enterprise Connecting2Australia (C2A). The partnership is a step towards inclusivity in the waste industry by training and employing workers living with a disability.

C2A provides workers for landscaping at our hydrocarbons site in Berends Drive, Dandenong. Throughout this engagement, Regional Operations Manager Daniel Martin observed that the C2A workers were not only eager to learn new skills but also keen to interact with people.

This prompted Daniel to explore the idea of employing and training additional workers living with a disability for decanting oil and assembling spill kits on site.

Pictured: Service Representative Aaron Fagan and Regional Operations Manager Daniel Martin (far left) demonstrate how used lubricant and engine oil are collected for recovery.

Pictured: Aaron and Daniel show the C2A hires what goes into a Cleanaway spill kit.

“The passion and dedication demonstrated from the new C2A team members was contagious. They provided the combined workgroup real purpose of making a true contribution in more ways than one,” said Regional Operations Manager Daniel Martin.

Cleanaway’s partnership with C2A in one way we’re supporting a diverse and inclusive workplace which is a woven into our business strategies, right down to our different business units.

Our workforce across Australia is made up of employees who come from diverse backgrounds, experience, skills and needs. This diversity makes Cleanaway resilient and flexible to adapt to the ever evolving nature of the waste management industry.

In view of our trial with C2A we’ve also engaged our Health & Safety team to perform a safety audit. The audit ensures that we can continue to safely engage workers living with a disability at our Berends Drive site and other sites in the future.

Contact us to learn more about how we’re making a sustainable future possible for communities and businesses across Australia.