Cleanaway Erskine Park Landfill

Services offered

Solid waste services

Cleanaway Erskine Park Landfill

Services offered
Solid waste services

Business hours

Monday to Friday: 07:00 - 16:00
Others: Approximate turnaround time < 30 Mins
Cleanaway Erskine Park Landfill

The Cleanaway Erskine Park Landfill provides the highest standard of solid waste management. This engineered landfill accepts general waste and low level contaminated soils from local construction businesses in Sydney and western suburbs.

Cleanaway Erskine Park Landfill accepts the following waste types (note that charges may apply).

Acceptable wastes include:

  • General solid waste (non-putrescible)
  • General solid waste soils (special asbestos)
  • Low level contaminated soils (LLCS)
  • Clean fill (ENM/VENM)

Unacceptable wastes include:

  • Demolition waste containing asbestos
  • Putrescible waste
  • Restricted waste (RSW)
  • Hazardous waste (HSW)
  • Medical waste
  • Tyres
  • Tree stumps
  • Mattresses


  • Weighbridge
  • Environment Protection Licence 4865

Environmental controls
The following environmental control systems are used in Erskine Park landfill:

  • Leachate management
  • Storm water management
  • Landfill gas recovery and utilization
  • Final covers
  • Re-vegetation program
  • Pest control management
  • Odour control management
  • Environmental monitoring

Vehicle access
Only commercial self-tipping trucks are allowed.

We accept payment only from account holders.

Contact our Erskine Park landfill team directly at 02 8602 8720 to enquire about tailored solutions and receive an obligation-free quote. You can also reach Cleanaway at 13 13 39 for general enquiries.

Community Reference Group

Do you live near us? Visit your community page to see the latest announcements, upcoming community events, environmental reports and more information about how we manage this facility in consultation with you.